

life in words



COD INFINITE WARFARE multiplayer is great

star wars battle front is awsome


game play

new battle front


The 10th Anniversary of LPF Academy


On 6th of January we celebrated the 10th anniversary from the year 2007 – 2017 on the second floor. To celebrate this occasion, we invited his excellency and three of our dearest fathers. This was to bless our school, and he spoke a little about himself. When they were entering our school with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and while they were entering we dropped flower pettles and waving purple flags while reciting a prayer.

Once his excellency reached the top floor Mandy Min and Omar Sabera gave their oath. Then his excellency sprayed holy water on the top of our heads while praying. Pioneer parents have arrived to celebrate this occasion. All of the students were wearing their school shirt on this day. Miss Bernie asked the pioneer students to give a speech about how they felt when they started their walk around the school.

After the pioneer student finished there, speech about the school.  His excellency told a prayer for the school. Then his excellency spired the holy water. Then his excellency went for lunch with all the pioneer parents. When his excellency was preparing for lunch Dynal Kavit was asked to play the saxophone for his excellency and after he played the song miss Sam was asked to play the piano and all the pioneer student sang. His excellency was asked to plant the na tree and take a photo with the school. Before he left the school gave his excellency some fruits.

Thank you

my three cute puppies

my puppies born on December 11 . there were 2 girls and 1 boy dog .the two girl dogs are browny and eze. and the boy dog is T-Bone . we gave browny and eze away after a month but eze died of having to much of medicine. and after 7 months   T-Bone died by eating vermiform. and only browny  iOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAs alive today.

life with the saxophone

I started out when I was 9 years old. there was three basic  parts the  in the alto sax there the:

  • the mouth pieces
  • the neck
  • and the body

the top three cords are B ,A ,G and C . the bottom three cords are F ,F# ,E ,E#, D and more    the first song for beginners is jingle bells.

I have leaned song like my heart will go on, you raise me up , and some one like you.




Hi (world),


My name is Dynal Kavit I’m happy that you take the time to look at my web site. I’m a saxophonist I have a gold alto sax my saxophone looks like this.


I have performed in school 2 times at home to one of my teachers. I play two songs properly and they are:

  • You raise me up
  • My heart will go on




I like doing art and drawings of nature and cars.P1010786.JPG



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